Historical Maps of Broomhall ~ 1607 - 1873

Views through the ages

The Broomhall area has appeared on maps of Sheffield and the surrounding area since the beginning of the 17th century and possibly even earlier. To begin with this referred to the manorial building ‘Broom Hall’ itself rather than to the neighbourhood as it did later.

Looking through these maps chronologically it is clear how the Broomhall area became gradually developed with housing during the 19th Century.

These and other scanned maps of Sheffield and Yorkshire can be explored in the Historical Maps section of the PictureSheffield website.

The map images here are reproduced courtesy of Sheffield Archives and Local Studies Library (SALS). 

NB: once you have clicked on a photo in a gallery to view it full-size, you can explore the rest of the gallery using the arrow keys on your keyboard and at the bottom of the photos.

This page was added by Richard Freeston on 27/02/2014.

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