Broomhall is on the map!

With visitors from all around the world

The world is visiting Broomhall via this website
Photo: NASA

One of the main aims of the OUR Broomhall project was to share the stories and history of Broomhall with the people of Sheffield, Britain… and beyond. This website plays a major part in meeting that aim.

Thanks to some clever website-wizardry (Google Analytics), we can tell that in 2015 alone we’ve had over 50,000 page views on the website, with viewers from as far afield as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Russia, South Africa and USA amongst many others.

So we think it’s fair to say that Broomhall is well and truly on the map! *

Here’s what a few of those viewers had to say:

“Brilliant” Joan

“Wonderful to see all the old pics. Thanks for your efforts!”  David

“Great photos” Donne

“Fantastic photos” balearic punk

“Brilliant photographs, so many memories” Yvonne

“These pictures bring back happy memories” Dave

“Wonderful  to see these photos” Julie

“How wonderful to spot myself in these photos” Kerry

But don’t just take their word for it; explore for yourself! Along with the using ‘Categories‘ to explore, (via the ‘Explore OUR Broomhall ‘ link at the top of this page), you can also use the ‘Cloud’ of Keywords to explore some of the more unusual aspects of Broomhall.

And don’t forget to leave your own comments to share with the world…



* NASA’s “Blue Marble 2007 West” photo is used here under a Creative Commons ‘2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)’ license.Available at



This page was added by Richard Freeston on 17/12/2015.

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