About this website

An overview and some helpful hints

This page aims to give you an idea about how this website is laid out, and how it works. Below, you can find information on the following topics:

  • Exploring this website
  • The way pages are laid out
  • Adding ‘Comments’
  • Registering
  • Sound and video
  • Opening a new browser ‘Tab’
  • Accessibility
  • ‘Broken’ content and links


Exploring the site

There are 4 main ways of exploring this site:

  • using the ‘Category tree’
  • using the Keywords
  • using the Date search
  • using the text ‘Search’ box

There is further guidance on each of these on the Help pages.

Links to the Help pages are always available in the top-right-hand and bottom-left-hand corners of every page, and in the main (dark blue) list running across the top of each page.



The website should work in all the main web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

We recommend that you ‘maximise’ your browser window – maybe even make it ‘Full Screen’. This will ensure that you can see as much of the content as possible on each page – especially photos.

For simplicity, every page is laid out as follows:

  • In a dark blue band across the screen at the top of each page is the main list of useful links within the site. Other useful links can also be found in the top-right and bottom-left corners of each page.
  •  Near the top-right-hand corner is the text ‘Search’ box.
  •  Down the right-hand-side of the page are the ‘Explore by Category’, ‘Explore by Date’ and ‘Explore by Keyword’ search modules.
  •  At the bottom of each page is the Comments section.

Once you have reached one of the content pages on the site, you will notice that ‘More from:’ and ‘See also:’  modules appear on the right-hand-side of the page, above ‘Explore by Categories”:

‘More from:’ shows you a list of all other pages in the same category as the page you are currently viewing. You can click on these to go straight to those pages. The page you are currently viewing is indicated with a small orange arrow.

‘See also:’  shows you the other categories in which the page you are viewing also appears. You can click on these to go straight to a view of all pages in those categories.


Adding Comments

Many of the pages have content that requires you to ‘scroll down’. In particular, the ‘Comments’ section for each page is at the foot of each page.

The first time you leave a Comment, you will be asked to submit an email address. Don’t worry, this won’t be shared with anybody else. And it means that for all subsequent visits to the site you will be able to ‘Login’, and leave as many comments as you like.  



You can ‘Register’ for the site using the button in the top-right-hand corner of the screen. This allows you to ‘log-in’ at the start of a visit to the site, and you can then Comment on as many pages as you wish without further prompting. It is much the same as the process you will go through if you submit a Comment before registering.

You will need to supply an email address, and submit a Username and a Password.


Sound and video

There are audio and video clips on many of the pages of this site.

To view the video correctly, your device should be able to play video from YouTube.

To hear audio properly you will need to have the sound/volume settings on your computer enabled correctly.

The ‘Media Types’ category lets you explore just the pages with these media – but don’t forget you can find them using the other categories as well!


Opening a new browser ‘Tab’

Holding down the ‘Ctrl’ button on your keyboard (‘Cmd’ on a Mac) when you click any link will open the new page in a new ‘Tab’ of your browser. 

Sometimes this is useful; maybe you want to have quick access to the Help pages, or maybe you’d like to continue viewing the page you’re on but open up something else that ‘s caught your eye, to look at next.

We have tried to make sure that any links to ‘external sites’ (e.g. Wikipedia) automatically open in a new Tab, so as not to interfere with your browsing on OUR Broomhall.org

You can shut unwanted Tabs at any time by clicking the small ‘x’ on them.



Please see the instructions on our Accessibilty page for further advice on how to alter the appearance of the webpages, translating the text to other languages, and having sections of text spoken out loud.


‘Broken’ content and links

If you come across any web-links, videos or audio files on the site that do not seem work properly, please send us an email so that we can fix them. Remember to include in your message the ‘Title’ of the page, and the details of the content that is not working. Many thanks!

This page was added by Richard Freeston on 04/03/2014.

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