Use of Photos

Identifying people, permission to use, and making copies

Identifying people in photos

The OUR Broomhall project has helped digitise many photographs relating to the area, brought to us by contributors and volunteers.

Many of these have been donated by individuals who have been able to identify the people in their photographs. However, we have also digitised some photos which include people we have been unable to identify.

If you recognise someone in one of the photos, please get in touch to let us know who you have identified – or simply add the information as a ‘Comment’ about the photograph (available at the bottom of every page on the website); we will then try to add your information to the description of the photo.


Permission to use photos

A outlined above: generally, we have sought and obtained full written permission from the owners to use material on this website.

However, we have also encountered and digitised many photos which include people we have been unable to identify. Because these photographs help provide such a unique insight into the area’s past, we have taken the decision to include them on this website anyway, even though we have been unable to get direct permission from the people in the photo. But of course we absolutely do not want to use such images against the wishes of the people in it.

So if you do recognise yourself, or a family member or friend, in a photo that you would prefer not to be on our website, please use our Contact details to send us an email.

Make sure to include in your message the Title of the ‘Page’ on which the relevant photo appears, the title of the photo itself, and your reason for requesting it be removed.


Copies of Photos

If you see a photograph of yourself and would like a digital copy of it, we are happy to try to help.

If OUR Broomhall has the copyright for the image, we can send you a digital copy via email. These images have ‘Photo: OUR Broomhall’ written underneath.

If OUR Broomhall doe NOT have the copyright for an image,  we can try to put you in touch with the copyright holder, for you to ask them directly. You can identify such photos as they will state, for instance,  ‘Photo: John Smith’ underneath.


SALS / Picture Sheffield

Picture Sheffield (the online collection of photos that is run by the Sheffield Archives and Library Service – SALS) have very kindly agreed to let us use copies of many of their images on this site, to augment those we have created ourselves.

To find one of their images from this website on the Picture Sheffield site itself, remove the ‘PS’ from the beginning of the reference used here, and run a search on Picture Sheffield using the remaining reference number.

E.g. an image credited here as “PSa1234” can be found by searching Picture Sheffield for “a1234”.




This page was added by Richard Freeston on 26/12/2014.

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