Using Categories to explore

People, Places, Topics and Media Types

People, Places, Topics and Media Types are the ‘top’ categories of a branching category ‘tree’ that has been used to organise the many different pages on this website. Within each of these are further, more detailed sub-categories.

Together these provide a way for you to ‘browse’  through the pages of the site, rather than having to think of something to type into an empty search box.

For instance, by clicking on the ‘Topics’ category, you are taken to a view of all the sub-categories within Topics. One of these is a sub-category called ‘Community Life’. By clicking on this , you will find all the individual pages with a theme of ‘Community Life’. Click on any of those thumbnails to visit that page.

The numbers in brackets always shows the total number of pages you will be able to find within this option.

Note that some pages may be discoverable down more than one branch, for instance if they have both a ‘Place’ and a ‘People’ theme.


Once you have reached one of the content pages on the site, you will notice that ‘More from’ and ‘See also’  modules appear on the right-hand-side of the page, above ‘Explore by Categories’.

‘More from’ shows you a list of all the titles of all the other pages in the same category as the page you are currently viewing. You can click on each of these to go straight to those pages.

NB: The page you are currently looking at is always marked with a small orange arrow. So it is easy to work your way up or down the list to explore all the other pages.

‘See also’  shows you the other categories in which the page you are viewing also appears. You can click on these to go straight to a view of all pages in those categories.





This page was added by Richard Freeston on 18/02/2014.

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