Tony Allwright Photo Gallery: Around and About in Broomhall, 1977-1980
Tony Allwright moved to Sheffield in the 1970s. As a keen amateur photographer, he took an interest in documenting the people and buildings of many areas of Sheffield, including Broomhall.
The hundreds of photos of Broomhall that he has kindly shared with OUR Broomhall have been split into different galleries.
This gallery contains a miscellaneous collection of photos that we couldn’t quite fit into the other galleries.
Havelock Square with boy in road, May 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
Sports pitch from Broomhall Flats, August 1977
Photo: Tony Allwright
Springfield school, August 1977
Photo: Tony Allwright
Hanover Square opposite the back of St Silas Church, February 1980
Photo: Tony Allwright
Building on Brunswick St (now demolished), May 1978
Photo: Tony Allwright
Top of Broomspring Lane with Hallamshire hospital, May 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
Springfield School and Hallamshire Hospital, September 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
Hanover Way and Viners factory, September 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
Brunswick St, February 1980
Photo: Tony Allwright
Heritage street light on Park Lane, May 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
Antrim Avenue off Park Lane, May 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
Porches, Antrim Ave. August 1978
Photo: Tony Allwright
Gararge at side of bungalow on Park Lane, May 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
Brunswick St with archway, May 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
Broomhall Flats childrens' play area, June 1980
Photo: Tony Allwright
Broomhall Flats wooden climbing frame, June 1980
Photo: Tony Allwright
Frame structure and pews, now at Wilkinson St. September 1978
Photo: Tony Allwright
This page was added by Richard Freeston on 06/01/2015.
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