Tony Allwright Photo Gallery: Summer Fair at Hanover Flats, 1979

Tony Allwright moved to Sheffield in the 1970s. As a keen amateur photographer, he took an interest in documenting the people and buildings of many areas of Sheffield, including Broomhall.

The hundreds of photos of Broomhall that he has kindly shared with OUR Broomhall have been split into different galleries.

These photos show the summer fair and barbecue at Hanover Flats at the end of the summer of 1979.


Broomhall summer fair, Hanover Flats. September 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
BBQ, Broomhall summer fair, Hanover Flats. September 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
Punch and Judy. Broomhall summer fair, Hanover Flats. September 1979
Photo: Tony Allwright
This page was added by Richard Freeston on 06/01/2015.

Comments about this page

  • Brilliant Photographs so many memories I even spotted my Cousin on one photograph.

    By yvonne pallagast (05/02/2015)

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