Doris Hogan Diary: 2nd and 3rd January 1916

Yorkshire pudding and piano practice

Doris Hogan 1916 Diary: January 2nd and 3rd
Photo: Suzanne Cam


by Malcolm Lisle

“Sunday 2nd” (January 1916)

Got up 9.30. Breakfast. Cleared table. Getting ashes, fetching things and putting others away. Set table. Dinner 1.0. Willie and Flossie came 2.30. Turkey, pork, force meat. Apples, wine, apple pie. Yorkshire puddings, custard etc. Aunty Polly, Faih, Will, Floss, went to union to see Aunty Clara. Washed and wiped pots and fed animals. I washed all dirty things. Changed. Got tea ready. Pears, salmon, currant cake, mince pies etc. Grammaphone went on 8.35. Mr. Dennel Stones came. Bed 11.0.


“Monday 3rd” (January 1916)

Got up 9.30 breakfast. Took Faih banks book. Wrote a letter to Bradford. Dinner – turkey, pork, apple pie etc. Tea animals. Den came late. Got ready. Isabel came. Told her I was going out. Showed her how to play her piece. Jess at 3. Ida came to tea. Jess wanted soldiers to have come. Yevi turned up. Played piano whist. Ida went out to dance. Hadfield went out. Mrs Ida Keele came to supper.


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This page was added by Richard Freeston on 12/09/2014.

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