Broomhall's Primeval Philanthropist: Rev. Robert Stainton ~ Part 3

Sheffield & Rotherham Independent, March 30th, 1875

Transcribed by Niv C.

Robert Stainton. Unknown year
Photo: Jenny Clark
Albert Hall. 15th March 1873
Photo: SALS

The article below gives information about the public gatherings at Albert Hall and highlights it as a venue for Rev. Stainton’ s preachings in the later part of his pastoral life. It hints at the growing popularity, collections and attendance over the years.

During the night of 14th July 1937, a disastrous fire gutted the Albert Hall building and the burnt out remains were left standing for a few years.


The Temperance Hall was well filled last evening, when the Rev. R. Stainton’s public tea in connection with his Sunday afternoon services was held, followed by a lecture entitled, “Coloured Spectacles.” In the absence of Alfred Allott, Esq., who was to have presided, but was unable to attend owing to the sudden illness of his aged mother, Mr. Robertson was called upon to occupy the chair. He read his financial statement for the past six months as to the Sunday afternoon services. Before doing so, however, he said he was glad to observe that this had been one of the most successful years spiritually they had had, inasmuch as very many souls had been gathered to Christ through those services. (Hear, hear.) The statement showed that the collections at the door of the Albert Hall amounted to £147, 14s. 2d. The payments were:–Rent of hall, £96, 12s.; widows and orphans, after the Warren Vale explosion £5; Town Mission, £5; printing, &c., £25 (which £15 was for hymn books which were given away); total, £131. 12s.; leaving a balance in hand of £16. 2s. 2d. (Applause.)—The Rev. R. Stainton supplemented this statement by remarking that the gatherings at the Albert Hall on Sunday afternoons had been larger during the last six months than during any other similar period for the last ten years. Not only had there been, by the Divine blessing, more substantial good effected, but large numbers had signed the temperance pledge without being asked, and others had found their way to places of worship. The Sunday afternoon service in Sheffield was the only one in England that, he believed, supported itself; and whereas in the metropolis and elsewhere such services were supported partly by voluntary subscriptions, the people of this town showed they were independent enough to pay for what they got—(laughter)—and they were the better enabled to enjoy it. (Applause.)—Mr. Kenyon moved that the balance in hand should be handed over to the Rev. Mr. Stainton, not as payment for his labours, but as an encouragement. (Applause.)—The Rev. Mr. Brown seconded the motion, and it was passed with acclamation. —The gift was briefly acknowledged by the Rev. Mr. Stainton, who afterwards delivered his lecture. It was a thoughtful, and at times humorous, description of the various characters met with in everyday life, as represented by the different colours of glass, such for instance as the jealous man, whom he described as the “green-eyed monster.” He generously excluded all reference to the fair sex, as he did not suppose there were any jealous ladies present. (Laughter.)—Other portraits were drawn in an artistic and pleasing style, and the proceedings closed with the usual votes of thanks. During the evening the choir sang several of Mr. Sankey’ s hymns, the audience joining every heartily in the choruses.



British Newspaper Archives


Broomhall’s Primeval Philanthropist: Rev. Robert Stainton ~ Part 1


This page was added by Niv C on 11/11/2015.

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