Reminiscences of my Ancestry discovery ~ Jennifer Clark

Reverend Robert Stainton's discovery!

Researched by Niv Chhabria

Jennifer Clark
Jennifer with the Memorial Tablet, 2006

Jennifer Clark first discovered about her ancestors through a antique desk that was passed down to her. Her curiosity led to the discovery of Rev. Stainton and brought her to Broomhall, Sheffield!

The write-up below outlines her discovery that led to her visit to Broomhall, Sheffield from Brisbane, Australia in 2006:

My Ancestry roots discovery.

I first delved into my Sheffield roots as a teenager, after finding a wonderful old writing desk owned by my great great grandfather Robert Kirk Stainton, who came to Australia and worked as a school teacher. Lots of interesting trinkets were kept in that desk, coins, stamps, locks of hair and even a pair of very old spectacles.

But the most interesting find for me was several old, tattered, newspaper articles from Sheffield about his father, the Rev. Robert Stainton. I read the newspaper articles with delight, which sparked my interest and I needed to more. I spent many years researching the Reverend and his association with Sheffield from afar, and was lucky enough in 2006 to make my first trip to Sheffield.

I traced his footsteps visiting his old haunts, I saw the plaque dedicated to him at the old Garden Street Chapel (now the Croft House Settlement Youth Community Centre), stood in Paradise Square where he delivered his open air lectures, and even visited 95 Broomspring Lane, in Broomhall, where the family lived for many years. It was wonderful to be immersed in the history of the Broomhall area, it really added to my understanding of his life and work. I have made several trips to Sheffield since and am so glad that I have been able to show my family their Sheffield roots.

Broomhall’s Primeval Philanthropist: Rev. Robert Stainton ~ Part 1

This page was added by Niv C on 03/08/2015.

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