Boys Working Home at 82 Broomspring Lane: 1901 census

82 - 88 Broomspring Lane. 1974
Photo: SALS PSw01743

On the 1901 census we discovered that there was a boys working home at 82 Broomspring Lane, run by Alfred Stubbing and his wife Sarah. It is interesting that all the boys age 12-15 are listed as firewood workers. This building has disappeared now and was near the current ring road. There is this picture of no 82-88 Broomspring Lane in the Picture Sheffield collection from Sheffield Archives & Local Studies. No 82 is the larger building at the bottom.

Many of these boys would probably go on to serve in World War I.

This page was added by Jennie Beard on 09/01/2015.

Comments about this page

  • If you Check out the Sheffield Daily Telegraph 7/12/1918 there is an article about some of the former boys that served in WW1

    By Nick Beeley (31/10/2017)
  • My wife’s grandparents (Windle) also ran this home in the early 1900’s. She has a write up about it and photos of the boys during this period. Copies available to anyone interested.

    By Tony Biles (09/10/2015)

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