Arthur Hayball: A Sheffield Craftsman

Broomhall People from 'The Making of Sheffield' by J.H.Stainton (1924)

“A Sheffield craftsman of great skill passed away in June, 1887, when Arthur Hayball died. He was 43 years at the Sheffield School of Art, as his abilities secured for him the honour of being made a student for life in 1848. He was described as unsurpassed in wood carving and absolutely an artist in expression.

“When the Great Exhibition of 1851 was held he sent up an exhibit in defense of the character of the School of Art, and it was spoken of in the following terms: “This cabinet is the work of Arthur Hayball, a young wood carver of Sheffield, Scarcely a single part of it is open to reasonable abjection. The design is pure Italian, abundantly rich in ornament and free from the monstrosities which too frequently deface similar productions.

“How greatly his genius was appreciated may be estimated from commissions which he executed. For the Duke of Norfolk he provided the fittings of Arundel Chapel, and also supplied many reredoses, stalls and altars in Spain an Ireland; Dr. Gatty entrusted him with much restoration work in Ecclesfield Church, and for Mr. Henry Wilson he carved the handsome screen in St. Silas’ Church.”

Taken from the book ‘The Making of Sheffield 1865-1914’ by J.H. Stainton (Publisher: E.Weston and Sons, Change Alley, Sheffield, 1924)

Sheffield Archives & Local Studies 942.74 S

See some of Arthur’s photograph collection here


Arthur Hayball, Woodcarver and Photographer
Photo: SALS PSy00522
This page was added by Jennie Beard on 07/01/2015.

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