Dr. Mariano Martin de Bartolomé

Funeral in Broomhall

Transcribed by Joey Xu

Dr Mariano Martin de Bartolomé, was a Spaniard by birth and came from an old Castilian family. Before arriving in England he spent some time in exile in Jersey, and there “met and married Miss [Mary] Parker, a Sheffield lady, and it was through this marriage that his association with this city was brought about… He apparently visited Sheffield in the same year” – the year that cholera came to Sheffield. He went to Edinburgh to study medicine and graduated there as a Doctor of Medicine in 1837. The following year he returned to Sheffield as a medical practitioner, joining the staff of the Dispensary (which later became the Royal Hospital) in 1840. From 1846 Dr Bartolomé was attached to the Infirmary as a physician, a role which continued for forty-three years, and at the same time to the Medical School, of which he subsequently became President. Dr. Bartolomé was prominent in the development of the Medical school and in developing a relationship with Firth College which later, along with the Medical school, became in 1897 University College, and in 1905 the University of Sheffield. He was also a Sheffield Freemason.

The following article gives details about the funeral service of Dr. Bartolomé arranged at Hanover street, Hounsfield road, and Glossop road attended by eminent dignitaries.



The remains of Dr. Mariano Martin de Bartolomé were interred at Ecclesfield to-day. It had been arranged that the cortège should leave Glossop road, the late residence of Dr. Bartolomé, at half-past 10, and previous to that hour representatives from the various institutions and societies with which the deceased gentleman was connected, were assembling in Hanover street, Hounsfield road, and Glossop road. The order of the procession was superintended by Inspector Toulson, who had with him a small staff of policemen connected with the Broomhill division. The blinds were drawn at most of the houses in the vicinity, and the departure of the funeral cortège was witnessed by a large concourse of people. After the mourners rode the representatives of the Medical School, of which Dr. Bartolomé was the founder; the members of the Infirmary Board and medical staff, the deceased gentleman being one of the physicians of that institution from 1843 to 1889; the brethren of the various lodges of Freemasons, Dr. Bartolomé being the oldest mason in the town; and many others.

The mourners who rode in the procession were:–First carriage, Mr. V. M. Bartolomé, Mr. G. M. Bartolomé, Mr J. B. Jackson (Mayor), and Mr. Edgar Jackson (Beltwood); Mr. B. Wake, in his own carriage; Mr. F. P. Smith (Barnes Hall), in his own carriage; Sir Henry Stephenson, Mr. W. F. Favell, and Mr. Arthur Jackson, in Sir Henry Stephenson’s carriage; the Ven. Archdeacon Blakeney. D. D., and the Rev. A. Wood (Parish Church) in the Archdeacon’s carriage.

The Medical School was represented by Mr. E. Birks, treasurer, Dr. W. T. Cocking, hon. sec., and Dr. Young and Dr. Keeling, members of the Council. The students of the Medical School were represented by Mr. E. M. Wilcockson, Mr. T P. Stokes, Mr. G. H. Lodge, and Mr. C. L. Hayes.

The deputation from the Infirmary Board and Medical Staff included Dr. Law, Mr. C. Atkin, Mr. J. Marshall, Mr. J. Goodall, Mr. J. C. Fletcher, the Rev. T. Smith, Mr. A. J. Hobson, and Mr. T. Robinson (house surgeon), Dr. Dyson was unavoidably absent.

The deputation from the Sheffield Medico-Chirurgical Society considered of Mr. W. Dale James, Dr. Gwynne, Mr. E. Skinner, and Dr. Porter.

The Freemasons, who rode next, were represented as follows:–The Brittannia Lodge: Mr. Wm. Longden, Mr. G. H. Hawksley, Mr. H. J. Garnett, and Mr. S. Smith, Mr. Westbrooke, Mr. J. Craven, and Mr. E. Atkinson. The Royal Brunswick Lodge: Mr. Harold Thomas, Mr. H. W. Maleham, Mr. Ensor Drury, Mr. W. Skinner, Mr. H. W. Pawson, Mr. R. Arnison, Mr. J. B. Wood, Mr. J. Harrison, the Wentworth Lodge by Mr. J. Robertshaw, Mr. J. N. Pickering, Mr. J. B. Wostenholme, Mr. J. E. Darling, Mr. J. T. Thompson, Mr. W. Slater, and Mr. J. Figorski. The St. Leonard’s Lodge: Mr. J.  B. Bradshaw, Mr. L. Corrie, Mr. T. H. Vernon, and Mr. W. C. Fox.

Dr. S. Morton, Mr. A. Hallam, Mr. W. Hallam, and Dr. Laver rode in Dr. Laver’s carriage; Mr. G. K. Thorpe and Dr. Sbera rode in Mr. Thorpe’s carriage; Dr. Cleaver and Dr. Sinclair White rode in Mr. Joseph Andrew’s carriage; Mr. Richard Favell rode in Mr. W. F. Favell’s carriage; Dr. Spowart and Dr. Willey rode in Dr. Spowart’s carriage. Dr. S. Roverts, Mr. A. M. Roberts (Chaseley), Dr. Shaw (Attercliffe), Dr. Payne, Mr. S. Snell, Dr. J. W. Martin, Dr. Hardwicke, Mr. W. Skinner, Mr. Parr, Mr. G. Robinson, Mr. Westbrook, Mr. Reckless, Mr. Leach, Mr. E. J. Cooke, Mr. F. Harrison, Dr. W. M. Hunter (Eckington), Mr. E. Thomas, Dr. Scott, Dr. Hargitt, Mr. Naylor (Parkgate), Dr. A. Hall, Mr. Kilham, Mr. Knight (Rotherham), Mr. B. Walker (Rotherham), Dr. Pye-Smith, Dr. Hawthorn (Ecclesfield), Dr. Snadden (Chapeltown), Dr. Le Tall (Handsworth), Dr. Browning, and Mr. P. Barber also followed. Mr. J. S. Bartlett represented the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society, for which Dr. Bartolomé was examiner for 34 years.

Carriages were sent by Mrs. A. Brookesbank, Mrs. Hudson (Goddard Hall), and others.

After leaving Glossop road the cortège proceeded down High street to the Wicker, from there into Burngreave road, and on the Main road to Ecclesfield. At the churchyard the procession was met by a considerable number of people, including the following mourners, who joined those who had driven from Sheffield:–Miss Bartolomé, Miss Julia Bartolome, Miss Emily Bartolomé, Miss Celia Bartolomé, and Miss Jackson. There were also present Mons. L. Courtial, Mr. A. Davy, Mr. Boynton Le, Mr. Richard Robinson, Mr. W. Buckley, Mr. W. H. Knowles, &c.

As the mourners and friends entered the church the organist, Mr. David Parker, played the “Dead March” in “Saul” in a very impressive manner, while as they left the edifice he played Mendelssohn’s “Hear my prayer.” The service in the church and at the graveside was conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon Blakeney, D. D., assisted by the Rev. T. Reynolds, curate of Ecclesfield (Dr. Gatty being absent in London). The arrangements at the church were under the superintendence of Mr. F. M. Tindall, the churchwarden. The remains were laid in the same vault as are those of two of his children, his first wife having been buried in the south chancel of the church. The coffin, which was of polished oak, with brass furniture, bore the inscription, “Mariano Martin de Bartolomé born 16th July, 1813, died 2nd June, 1890.”

A large number of wreaths and crosses were sent, amongst those from whom floral offerings had been received being deceased a wife and children, Mr. Edgar Jackson and the Misses Jackson (Beltwood), Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jackson, Sir Henry and Lady Stephenson and family, Mr. Arthur Jackson, the Freemasons of Sheffield, Mrs Edwards (Glenwood), Mr. A. M. Roberts, Mr. J. Benson and family, Mr. George Robinson, Mr. George Wilson (Tapton Hall), Mr. & Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Hoyland, Colonel and Mrs. Creswick, Mr. and Mrs Edward Skinner, Mr. and Mrs Richard Robinson, Mon, and Mdlle. Courtial. Mr. H. Hargitt, Mrs. Woollon, the mistress of the Girls’ Grammar School, Rochester; Mr. Barber, Mr. T. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs Kingsford Wilson, Mrs. Frank Harrison, Mrs. Keat Terner, the Weekly Board and the medical staff of the Infirmary, Mr. and Mr. Richards, “One of his Clinical Clerks,” and others.

Researched from British Newspapers Online

This page was added by Niv C on 12/11/2015.

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